What is ExplorOlogy® in Motion?
During summer 2019, 26 students and eight teachers from across the state of Oklahoma were selected to participate in Paleo Expedition, Oklahoma Science Adventure and Science Institute. ExplorOlogy® In Motion and the Sam Noble Museum bring the field science they experienced back to their schools with unique educational outreach programs. These programs are provided at no cost to selected schools. Click on the program you or your student participated in to see your outreach opportunities!
Paleo Expedition/Oklahoma Science Adventure
Reserve Now!
Bring ExplorOlogy® In Motion to your school!
- Review the Room/Space Needs information.
- Complete the online Program Registration Form. If you cannot access the form, please contact us.
- An ExplorOlogy® educator will contact you to schedule your ExplorOlogy® In Motion experience!
All reservations are made on a first-come basis. Register early to ensure your school reserves your preferred date. Registration deadline for the 2019-20 school year: March 30, 2020. Questions? Please contact us at explorology.samnoblemuseum@ou.edu or (405) 325-8879.