Oklahoma Science Adventure
A student is in grade/age ______. Can he or she participate in Oklahoma Science Adventure?
Students who apply for Oklahoma Science Adventure need to have completed the sixth grade (or equivalent) before the start of the program, and must between the ages of 11-14. Generally, students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades qualify. Students who have not yet entered the ninth grade but have completed the eighth grade may apply.
What is included in participation?
OSA provides all lodging, meals, transportation and experiences to selected participants at no cost. Participants are also provided with an ExplorOlogy® backpack, water bottles, journal, and t-shirt. Participants must provide their own clothing, personal items and a sleeping bag/pillow.
Where do participants stay?
Participants stay at a variety of locations during the program, including university dorms, hotels and even the museum itself. At each location, participants will always have access to restroom facilities and water, and will always be supervised by trained ExplorOlogy® staff.
How do we keep in touch with participants or parents/guardians during the program?
ExplorOlogy® will post updates from both educators and participants on our public Facebook page throughout the program for family and friends to follow along with the expedition. Participants will also have limited opportunities to email friends and family. Staff will always have a cell phone with them in case of emergencies, and parents/guardians will always be able to contact museum or ExplorOlogy® staff if necessary.
What if my student has special dietary or other needs?
We will make every effort to ensure our participants have the best possible experience. We ask that participants and their guardians talk with staff about any possible needs or concerns before the start of the program.
Can my student apply if they can’t attend the entire program?
No, participants are required to attend for the duration of the entire program.
Do participants need to have any prior knowledge before applying or attending?
No prior knowledge is necessary to participate or apply. Our participants usually have a wide range of interests and experience. The only thing participants need is to be willing to meet new people, learn new things and have fun!