Would you like your students to visit the Sam Noble Museum but are concerned about funds? We offer a variety of funding opportunities to assist with transportation, admission and/or educational programs!
Fossil Fuel Fund (FFF)
Awards for the Fossil Fuel Fund will resume in Fall of 2024. For questions or concerns please feel free to contact visitor services at visitor.samnoblemuseum@ou.edu.
The Sam Noble Museum Fossil Fuel Fund is designed to provide financial support for field trip expenses to educators and students. Expenses can include transportation, admission and program fees. Since implementation in 2007, the Fossil Fuel Fund has received support from President Boren, the Whitten-Newman Foundation, H.A. and Mary K. Chapman Charitable Trust, the Puterbaugh Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation, Inc., the Grand River Dam Authority and the Sam Noble Museum Board of Visitors.
Fossil Fuel Fund Information and Eligibility
- All educators (PreK-12) are eligible to apply on behalf of their schools.
- Schools must be located in Oklahoma. Only one application per school will be funded per school year (September-May.) If a school has been funded once in a school year, it will become eligible to apply again in the next school year. If more than one teacher at a school wishes to apply, it is strongly encouraged they communicate prior to applying and partner together to complete the application.
- If selected as a FFF recipient, the award will be applied to a one-day visit.
- Schools must provide invoices to the museum no later than 60 days after visit to receive reimbursement for transportation expenses.
Completed applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis. The application deadline is the 1st of each month (September – May). All applicants will be notified of their status by email no later than seven (7) days following the application deadline. If your school needs notification of selection status prior to that time, please contact us immediately after your completed application has been sent. Please note that FFF is designed to provide assistance to as many schools as possible, and as a result the awarded transportation may be a portion of the total requested amount. A completed application will include: 1) A complete online Fossil Fuel Fund application form (below) and 2) a letter from a school administrator that addresses the financial need of the school and the desired benefit of the field trip for students. Letters may be attached to the online form, or emailed to visitor.samnoblemuseum@ou.edu. If you have questions, please call Visitor Services at (405) 325-1008 or email us at visitor.samnoblemuseum@ou.edu.
Oklahoma Energy Resource Board (OERB)
The Sam Noble Museum is proud to be a museum partner with OERB. OERB is committed to education in Oklahoma and provides free training, materials, educational trips and in-class presentations. For more information, visit the OERB website. For educators who have completed the OERB teacher training, OERB can provide financial support for field trips. OERB school groups will have access to OERB curriculum programs (educational programs marked with the logo).
Target Field Trip Grants
Target field trip grants help give children unique, firsthand learning experiences by funding school trips to museums, historical sites and cultural organizations. For more information, visit their website.