At the time of contact, the Osage language was spoken along the Osage River in modern-day Missouri and later in southeastern Kansas. Osage is a member of the Dhegiha branch of the Siouan-Catawban language family. Related languages include Kansa, Omaha-Ponca, and Quapaw.
Selected Language Information
Quintero, Carolyn. 1997. Osage Phonology and Verbal Morphology. Amherst: University of Massachusetts.
Quintero, Carolyn. 2004. Osage Grammar. Lincoln: University of Nebraska.
Quintero, Carolyn. 2009. Osage Dictionary. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Wolff, Hans. 1952. Osage I: Phonemes and Historical Phonology. International Journal of American Linguistics Vol. 18: 63-68.
Wolff, Hans. 1952. Osage II: Morphology. International Journal of American Linguistics Vol. 18: 231-237.
Sample Archival Materials in the Native American Languages Collection
Osage Nation Language Department
Catalogue of Endangered Languages