At the time of contact, the Pawnee language was spoken around the Platte River in present day Nebraska. The two major dialects of Pawnee are Skiri and South Band. Pawnee is a member of the northern branch of the Caddoan language family. Related languages include Arikara, Kitsai, and Wichita.
Selected Language Information
Hayden, Ferdinand. 1869. Brief Notes on the Pawnee, Winnebago, and Omaha Languages. Proceedings from the American Philosophical Society.
Parks, Douglas R. 1976. A Grammar of Pawnee. New York: Garland.
Parks, Douglas. 1977. Pawnee Texts: Skiri and South Band. International Journal of American Linguistics- Native American Texts Series Vol. 2.1: 65-90.
Parks, Douglas R. and Lula Nora Pratt. 2008. A Dictionary of Skiri Pawnee. Lincoln: University of Nebraska in Cooperation with the American Indian Studies Research Institute, Indiana University.
Weltfish, Gene. 1936. The Vision Story of Fox-Boy: A South Band Pawnee Text. International Journal of American Linguistics Vol. 9. 44-75.
Sample Archival Materials in the Native American Languages Collection
—–. (n.d.). Pawnee, Caddo Ghost Dance Songs; WNAD, Caddo History. Phil & Vynola Newkumet Collection. Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History Department of Native American Languages. Media: audio. Catalog Number: PVN-043.
Vogele, Chayton (author, illustrator). 2008. Ti Wa<ee Waskoo. Oklahoma Native American Youth Language Fair Collection. Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History Department of Native American Languages. Media: ephemera. Catalog Number: YLF-077.
Vogele, Chayton (author, illustrator). 2008. Elder Voices, Youth Choices. Oklahoma Native American Youth Language Fair Collection. Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History Department of Native American Languages. Media: ephemera. Catalog Number: YLF-189.
Catalogue of Endangered Languages