Languages Represented: The collection materials are in Nahuatl (Guerrero), Spanish and English.
Extent: 64 items
Collection Date Range: circa 1940s – 1990s
Creators: Rhonda S. Fair
Collection Identifier: RFA
Abstract: The Rhonda S. Fair Collection consists of print-based materials pertaining to the Nahautl language, dating from the 1940s through the 1990s.
Acquisition Information: These records came to the Sam Noble Museum in 2012 and were deposited by Rhonda S. Fair.
Access Restrictions: The materials are open for research. Contact the NALC at 405-325-3332 or
Cite As: [title], [catalog number], Rhonda S. Fair Collection, Sam Noble Museum Department of Native American Languages.
Collection Scope and Contents: Rhonda S. Fair is a cultural anthropologist and the tribal liaison for the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. She received her Ph.D. in 2007 from the University of Oklahoma and has taught at OU in both the Department of Anthropology and College of Liberal Studies. From 2002-2003 she served as the NAGPRA program director for the Delaware Nation before serving as a curator and archivist for the Caddo Heritage Museum in Binger, Oklahoma from 2003-2005.
Her work on Native American languages and culture includes her dissertation entitled “Social Networks and Knowledge Systems Among the Caddo and Delaware of Western Oklahoma,” grant writing in support of reviving and preserving Caddo songs and dances and numerous publications and museum exhibitions. She is proficient in three non-English languages including Caddo, Spanish and Nahuatl – an Uto-Aztecan language still spoken in parts of the United States, with the majority of speakers living in regions throughout Mexico and El Salvador.
The Rhonda S. Fair Collection focuses entirely on the Nahuatl language. There are 64 total items, all of which are print-based, and include books, manuscripts and ephemera produced throughout the 1940s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. Featured among the materials are:
- Language exercises and course guides
- Codexes
- Handwritten notes
- Transcriptions of songs, conversations and religious narratives
- Marriage speeches
- Papers on Nahuatl dialectology, kinship studies, politics and ethnographic studies
- Illustrated and analytic dictionaries and grammars
- Papers on languages and demographics concerning various municipalities in the state of Guerrero
- Additional educational material
The materials are arranged sequentially according to the collector’s original order.
Catalog # | Title |
RFA-001 | Introduction to Ameyaltepec, Guerrero Nahuatl; The use of directionals with verbs in the Nahuatl of Ameyaltepec, Gerrero |
RFA-002 | Homework exercises for “Introduction to Ameyaltepec, Guerrero Nahuatl” |
RFA-003 | Notes to accompany “Introduction to Ameyaltepec, Guerrero Nahuatl” |
RFA-004 | Ikxi wanatsin / Carnival song |
RFA-005 | Wëwëtlatöhli |
RFA-006 | First draft, uncorrected, of Reyes Moros, of a recording of Mundo Ramirez of San Juan Totolcintla, September 1, 1982 |
RFA-007 | Speech addressed to man about to be married |
RFA-008 | Papers on Nahuatl dialectology from the Nahuatl Summer Language Institute, 1999 |
RFA-009 | Nahuatl language questionnaire |
RFA-010 | The four verb classes and three verb stems in classical Nahuatl |
RFA-011 | Select pages from Bernardino de Sahagun's “De la conquísta Mexícana” |
RFA-012 | Florentine codex book XII first chapter (= book VII 8th chapter) |
RFA-013 | Florentine codex book VII, second chapter |
RFA-014 | Classical Nahuatl: in |
RFA-015 | Transcriptions of three Nahuatl miracle narratives from “Before Guadalupe: The Virgin Mary in Early Colonial Nahuatl Literature” |
RFA-016 | The Diario |
RFA-017 | Section of an annotated version of “Die Relationen Chimalpahin's zur Geschichte México's, vol. 2” |
RFA-018 | Tables for verbs, irregular verbs, pronouns and verb morphology in Ameyaltepec Nahuatl |
RFA-019 | Arte de la lengua mexicana: con la declaración de los adverbios della. Edición facsimilar de la publicada por Juan Ruyz en la Ciudad de México, 1645 |
RFA-020 | Aztec studies II: Sierra Nahuat word structure |
RFA-021 | Izkalotl: texto para el aprendizaje del idioma mexicano según las reglas de la Mexikatlahtolkalli |
RFA-022 | Rules of the Aztec language; classical Nahuatl grammar. A translation by Arthur J. O. Anderson, with modifications, of Francis Xavier Clavigero's Reglas de la lengua mexicana |
RFA-023 | Vocabulario Mejicano de la Sierra de Zacapoaxtla, Puebla |
RFA-024 | Vocabulario Mexicano de Tetelcingo, Morelos |
RFA-025 | Dictionary of Ameyaltepec Nahuatl partial draft |
RFA-026 | Hyperlex search of the analytic dictionary of Ameyaltepec Nahuatl |
RFA-027 | Hablantes de lenguas indígenas del estado de Guerrero: generalidades demográficas |
RFA-028 | Bibliografía antropológica del Estado de Guerrero |
RFA-029 | Introducción a la lengua y a la literatura náhuatl |
RFA-030 | Distribucion de hablantes de Nahuatl en la Republica Mexicana: observaciones sobre el censo de 1970(1) |
RFA-031 | Nahua affinal kinship: a comparative study |
RFA-032 | Acatlán y Hueycantenango, Guerrero |
RFA-033 | Chilacachapa y Tetelcingo; San Juan Tetelcingo |
RFA-034 | Un viaje al Sureste del Estado de Guerrero |
RFA-035 | La situación de la mujer en el estado de Guerrero: ponencia presentada al Foro Estadal de Consulta sobre la Participación Social de la Mujer, organizado por la Secretaría de la Mujer en mayo de 1996 |
RFA-036 | Kinship in the social organization of a Nahuat-speaking community in the central highlands |
RFA-037 | Peticion de lluvia en Zitlala, Guerrero |
RFA-038 | La fluente colonial de Chilapa de Alvarez, Guerrero |
RFA-039 | Nahuatl in the middle years: language contact phenomena in texts of the colonial period |
RFA-040 | Nahua colonial discourse and the appropriation of the (European) other |
RFA-041 | Language, politics, and translation: colonial discourse and classic Nahuatl in New Spain |
RFA-042 | The roots of sixteenth-century Mesoamerican lexicography |
RFA-043 | El trabajo de la palma en la región de La Montaña, Guerrero |
RFA-044 | The implications of Nahua (Aztecan) lexical diversity for Mesoamerican culture-history |
RFA-045 | Toward assessing the phonecity of older Nahuatl texts: Analysis of a document from the valley of Toluca, eighteenth century |
RFA-046 | The characteristics of a Nahuatl lingua franca |
RFA-047 | Nahuatl dialectology: a survey and some suggestions |
RFA-048 | Copenhagen Nahuatl dictionary project, description and manual |
RFA-049 | Review of Francis Karttunen's “An analytical dictionary of Nahuatl,” by Una Canger, with a response from Francis Karttunen |
RFA-050 | Reduplication in Nahuatl, in dialectical and historical perspective |
RFA-051 | Review of Francis Karttunen's “An analytical dictionary of Nahuatl,” by Jonathan D. Amith |
RFA-052 | Frances Karttunen's reply to Jonathan D. Amith's review of Karttunen's “An analytical dictionary of Nahuatl” |
RFA-053 | Diccionario de elementos fonéticos en escritura jeroglífica (Códice Mendocino) |
RFA-054 | Codex Chimalpahin, vol. 1: society and politics in Mexico Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco, Texcoco, Culhuacan, and other Nahua Altepetl in central Mexico |
RFA-055 | Five studies inspired by Nahuatl verbs in -oa |
RFA-056 | Vocabulario en lengua Castellana y Mexicana y Mexicana y Castellana |
RFA-057 | Nahuatl práctico: lecciones y ejercicios para el principiante |
RFA-058 | An analytical dictionary of Nahuatl |
RFA-059 | Introduction to classical Nahuatl |
RFA-060 | Vocabulario Nahuatl-Castellano de Acatlan, Guerrero |
RFA-061 | Compendium of Nahuatl grammar |
RFA-062 | Documentos manuscriptos y pictóricos de Ichcateopan, Guerrero |
RFA-063 | Diccionario de la lengua Náhuatl o Mexicana: redacto según los documentos impresos y manuscritos más auténticos y precedido de una introducción |
RFA-064 | Treatise on the heathen superstitions that today live among the Indians native to this New Spain, 1629 |