OPC 00008020: Mackie-Clemens No. 23 Mine, Cherokee County, Kansas, United States
Mackie-Clemens No. 23 Mine located approximately three miles north of Frontenac, Cherokee County, Kansas, United States
- Stratigraphy: Cherokee Group: Cabaniss Formation: Bevier Coal
- Age: Paleozoic: Pennsylvanian: Desmoinesian
- Coal Balls: 2160
Specimens that Leisman and his collaborators said came from or implied were from, this locality that we are aware of are:
Currently all specimens that we are aware of from this locality are in the Leisman Collection in the L. R. Wilson Paleobotany and Micropaleontology Collection, Sam Noble Museum of Natural History, Norman, Oklahoma, United States (OMNH).
Before any sorting, we list the specimens numerically by Leisman number, then by type of specimen in this order: coal balls, coal ball peels, microscope slides, cones, sporangium, and spores. The columns are sortable by clicking on the heading. The first click to a heading sorts them alphabetically (A to Z)/numerically (1-25). The second click to heading sorts them reverse alphabetically (Z to A)/numerically (25-1). The third click to heading brings back to original sort order.
We are aware that Leisman and his collaborators identified the specimens/materials listed in the table as coming from this locality.
If you are aware of any additional specimens that Leisman or any of his collaborators said were from this locality please share them in the Collection Forum or contact us to let us know even if they are at another repository.
Taxa that Leisman and his collaborators said came from, or implied were from, this locality that we are aware of are:
- Spencerites moorei (Cridland 1960) Leisman emend. 1962 [epitypes , later re-described as Spencerites moorei (Cridland 1960) Leisman and Stidd emend. 1967]
- Spencerites moorei (Cridland 1960) Leisman and Stidd emend. 1967 [epitypes]
If you are aware of any taxa that Leisman or any of his collaborators said were from this locality please share them in the Collection Forum or contact us to let us know.
Publications in which Leisman mentioned or described this locality that we are aware of are:
- Leisman, Gilbert Arthur, 1962. Spencerites moorei comb. nov. from Southeastern Kansas. American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 347-356. [SNOMNH_Pbot-00000181] Note: Publication lists as Spencerites moorei (Cridland 1960) Leisman emend. 1962 and re-described as Spencerites moorei (Cridland 1960) Leisman and Stidd emend. 1967 in later publication [SNOMNH_Pbot-00000254] using same coal ball, coal ball peels, microscope slides, and spores. (our page on publication, PDF of article)
- Leisman, Gilbert Arthur and Stidd, Benton Maurice, 1967. Further Occurrences of Spencerites from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Kansas and Illinois. American Journal of Botany, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 316-323. doi: 10.2307/2440760 [SNOMNH-Pbot_00000254] (link to our page on publication, PDF of article) Note: publication lists as Spencerites moorei (Cridland 1960) Leisman and Stidd emend. 1967 using same coal ball, coal ball peels, microscope slides, and spores as previous publication [SNOMNH_Pbot-00000181].
If you are aware of any additional publications that Leisman or any of his collaborators said were from this locality please share them in the Collection Forum or contact us to let us know.