The Sam Noble Museum is proud to host the Oklahoma Native American Youth Language Fair. This page provides some helpful information to ensure your pleasant visit during the fair. We ask that you please read and respect the museum policies below to help us maintain our standards of excellence as a public institution. If you have questions or comments about the policies and information below, we are happy to help. Call us at (405) 325-7588 or email us at:
Museum Policies
The Sam Noble Museum operates under strict sanitation requirements, especially with regard to preventing insect and pest infestations. The department of Integrated Pest Management requests that you avoid bringing “organic” materials into the museum. All items brought into the museum are subject to inspection. If items are found to be dirty, they will not be allowed into the event spaces until they are clean. Please insure that your props, costumes and other possessions are clean and free of dust, dirt, cobwebs, insect nests, grasses, etc. Organic items such as feathers, furs, hides, basketry and plant materials are subject to inspection and possible quarantine. Traditional regalia that includes feathers, animal hides, woven fabrics or basketry is generally permitted during the fair, though the Sam Noble Museum reserves the right to prohibit questionable materials from entering the building. Corrugated cardboard is a source of harborage and food for pests and is generally prohibited. Consider using poster board, fiber board or other materials as alternatives. If you need to bring materials into the museum, we ask that you transport them in plastic containers or bags, not corrugated cardboard boxes.
Food and Drink
Food and drink are not allowed inside the museum, except in the designated areas of Pleistocene Plaza (near the Mammoth statue) during the established lunch period. In performance venues, the fair staff will provide bottled water for judges, but no other food or beverage is permitted. Please make sure that your students do not bring gum or candy into the museum. You are welcome to bring lunches for your group, however we ask that all lunches be packaged in sealed bags or plastic containers and transported in labeled plastic coolers. No corrugated cardboard boxes may be brought into the museum, but lunches can be packed in coolers, plastic tubs, containers or bags (please label all coolers and tubs). If you would like to store your lunches in our museum pantry, please bring your labeled coolers with you to registration. Unfortunately, no refrigerated storage will be available. If you are bringing coolers inside the museum, we ask that you do not fill them with ice. If cooling is required, please use some form of freezable ice pack. If you would like to make alternative lunch plans, there are several restaurant options near the museum. Please be aware of the performance schedule if you choose to leave the museum for lunch. Restaurants may have limited parking availability, narrow streets and lengthy service times that can make it difficult to return on schedule.
Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
2401 Chautauqua Avenue Norman, OK 73072
Bus and personal vehicle parking are available at the museum. If the museum lot is full, you may drop off students and chaperones then proceed to overflow parking at the Lloyd Noble Center, on Imhoff Rd. between Jenkins Ave. and Chautauqua Ave. From the Lloyd Noble Center it is a 10-20 minute walk across a crosswalk and down the sidewalks of Imhoff Rd. and Chautauqua Ave.
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Parking Map